Sunday 20 September 2015

Friday 26 June 2015

After party gabriela

After party Gabriela 2014:

Friday 19 June 2015

Evento de Contratacao de Profissionais de TI - Toronto

Please accept this email confirming your invitation to attend CareerDoor's IT & Technology 'Meet and Greet' Hiring Event on Thursday, June 25th, 2015 at the -

Marriott Downtown Toronto Eaton Centre Hotel
Salons II and III
525 Bay Street
Toronto, Ontario, M5G 2L2

Enter from Bay Street or Trinity Square, through the Eaton Centre


Over twenty-five (25) Hiring Managers from the three (3) Employers will be available to discuss the career openings from 10:00AM to 3:00PM
There are twenty-seven (27) jobs posted with multiple openings for most. 

IF YOU QUALIFY please submit your request. If you have already submitted your request, please ignore this email.

Good luck!

Brian Rhodes
Vice President IT & Technology Recruiting Services
CareerDoor Inc.
416-907-8200 ext. 219

Bonne Chance! Paola

CareerDoor's IT & Technology 'Meet and Greet' Hiring Event on Thursday, June 25th, 2015

Please accept this email confirming your invitation to attend CareerDoor's IT & Technology 'Meet and Greet' Hiring Event on Thursday, June 25th, 2015 at the -

Marriott Downtown Toronto Eaton Centre Hotel
Salons II and III
525 Bay Street
Toronto, Ontario, M5G 2L2

Enter from Bay Street or Trinity Square, through the Eaton Centre


Over twenty-five (25) Hiring Managers from the three (3) Employers will be available to discuss the career openings from 10:00AM to 3:00PM
There are twenty-seven (27) jobs posted with multiple openings for most. 

IF YOU QUALIFY please submit your request. If you have already submitted your request, please ignore this email.

Good luck!

Brian Rhodes
Vice President IT & Technology Recruiting Services
CareerDoor Inc.
416-907-8200 ext. 219

Bonne Chance! Paola

Thursday 21 May 2015

WORKSHOP: Halton Community Legal Services

Free legal information and advice regarding:
Ontario Works
Human Rights
Tenants' Rights
Disability Benefits
Government Pensions
Employment Insurance
Employment Standards

When: Wednesday, May 27th from 10 am to 12 noon.
Location: 171 Speers Rd. Suite 20 Oakville

The presenter will be Sheila from the Halton Community Legal Services. For registration, simply write to this e-mail with your name and phone number. Thank you.


Diana Escandon, CIRS
Information Counsellor, Newcomer Information Centre

Centre for Education & Training
171 Speers Rd., Unit 20
Oakville, ON L6K 3W8

Bonne Chance! Paola

Friday 1 May 2015

Trabalhando na area de esportes no Canada

Pessoal, para quem atua na area de esportes e pensa em vir para o Canada, estes links podem ajudar nas pesquisas sobre o mercado de trabalho aqui e como fazer seu CV, entre outras informacoes.

Super beijos!! Um excelente fim de semana a todos!!
Bonne Chance! Paola

Thursday 30 April 2015

Seneca College - OSLT courses - September 2015

Seneca will be offering the following OSLT courses in September 2015: 

 Accounting and Finance Human Services: 
ECE/Child and Youth Worker 
Business Entrepreneurship, Sales and Marketing 

 If you would like to apply for one of the September courses, please email in July. To be eligible, participants need to be Permanent Residents, have prior work experience or training in the sector, and have a current CLB assessment, level 6 – 8.

Bonne Chance! Paola

Ponto Feng Fu

O que acontece quando coloca um cubo de gelo na parte de trás da sua cabeça?
A medicina tradicional chinesa descobriu um ponto do nosso corpo que quando é estimulado promove um bem estar geral.
Este ponto chamado de Feng Fu, é um ponto de pressão que se situa atrás da cabeça, na base do crânio, na parte superior do pescoço.
Ponto Feng Fu
De acordo com a medicina tradicional chinesa o Método do Ponto Feng Fu não trata os problemas do organismo. Na verdade, este método, faz com que o corpo volte ao seu equilíbrio fisiológico natural – fornecendo um forte impulso de vida rejuvenescendo todo o corpo.
Aplicação de gelo no ponto Feng Fu
Técnica da aplicação de um cubo de gelo no ponto Feng Fu:
Escolha uma posição confortável de barriga para baixo.
Aplique um cubo de gelo, uma ou duas vezes por dia, durante 20 minutos.
Se lhe for mais conveniente, pode usar um pano ou um saquinho de plástico para envolver o cubo de gelo.
Ao fim de 30 segundos começará a sentir um leve calor neste ponto.
Nos primeiros dias há a possibilidade de uma leve sensação de euforia devido à libertação de endorfinas.
Ponto Feng Fu
Alterações que poderá sentir ao aplicar este método:
Diminuição de dores de cabeça, dores de dentes e de articulações;
Ajuda a regular problemas de tensão arterial (hipotensão e hipertensão);
Melhoras no sistema digestivo;
Melhoras do seu sono e humor;
Alívio de infecções gastro-intestinais e doenças sexualmente transmissíveis;
Alívio de perturbações neurológicas e distúrbios psico-emocionais: fadiga crónica, stress, depressões, insónias, etc;
Inibição de alterações degenerativas da coluna vertebral;
Melhoras de problemas respiratórios;
Ajuda a inibir problemas ligados ao sistema cardiovascular;
Eliminação de constipações frequentes;
Estabilização de distúrbios provocados pela tiróide;
Alívio de ataques de asma;
Redução da celulite;
Melhoras de problemas do trato gastro-intestinal,;
Melhoras de desordens ligadas à obesidade e à má-nutrição;
Alivio de desordens ligadas à frigidez, impotência e infertilidade;
Melhoras de problemas menstruais.

Bonne Chance! Paola

Tuesday 28 April 2015

Job and Career Fair - May 4 2015

Bonne Chance! Paola

Para os jardineiros de plantao

Do your trees need mulching? Find out here!

Bonne Chance! Paola

Imigre para Saskatoon - Saskatchewan, Canada !!!


Achei essas belissimas fotos de Saskatchewan  num blog ... realmente a paisagem e de tirar o folego!
FIca aqui a dica para futuros imigrantes que talvez nem tenham cogitado ir para aquelas bandas de la ... Como ja ouvi muita gente dizer: Qualquer lugar no Canada e bom!

Para o programa de imigracao pela provincia de Saskatchewan :

Vi que eles tem um link especial para Gas & Petroleo ... fica a dica ;-)

E para ver as lindissimas fotos:

Bonne Chance! Paola

Monday 27 April 2015

Enfermagem em Ontario, Canada - Saiba como

Primeiro fim de semana de 2015 no Trailer

Primeiro fim de semana que abrimos o trailer. Fim de semana sem as criancas, perfeito p carregar as tralhas para o norte ... afinal, por maior que seja a van, nao cabe bicicletas, cobertores, roupa de cama e banho ... e 7 pessoas!
Empacotamos tudo direitinho e partimos Sabado a tarde ... chegamos e comecamos descarregar e ai Chris percebe que nao ligaram ainda a eletricidade no parque.
A temporada abre oficialmente no primeiro fim de semana de Maio, mas nos anos anteriores ja tinham ligado a agua e a eletricidade. Este ano so a agua :-/
Sem energia, nao tem como abrir o "pop out" do trailer e fica um tanto apertadinho para se locomover la dentro ... alem da escuridao, rsrsrsss
Agroa depois de 2 hrs de carro nos perguntamos, voltamos ou dormimos no trailer mesmo?
Enfim decidimos ficar curtindo o calor da fogueira (0 graus celsius), o esplendor do ceu estrelado e o silencio da noite com apenas o crepitar do fogo, como o cansaco era grande, trocamos as cadeiras por um bom cobertor no chao e outro por cima ... e depois de umas 4 hrs de paz e sossego pegamos a estrada de novo e fomos dormir em casa.
Pelo menos a missao foi cumprida: proximo fim de semana podemos pegar a estrada e tudo estara pronto esperando nossos filhotes! :-)

Bonne Chance! Paola

Uma pedalada beneficente & beneficente


Com esse tempo pra la de bom mocada, venho aqui convidar todos a participarem de um passeio de bicicleta no dia dos pais. Esse passeio e bem familia super bem organizado pela ONG que trabalho: Canadian Mental Heath Association. Sera um domingao voltado a familia,solidariedade , saude, atividade fisica e confraternizacao.
Comecamos com um breakfast, damos uma pedalada e acabamos com um churrasco no estilo canadense ( de hamburguer) tudo incluso, fora o kit de camiseta e muitos sorteios apos o passeio,Tudo isso por  apenas  $30 O que e o menor custo da categoria .

A corrida tem o objetivo de chamar a atencao aos problemas de saude mental e diminuir o estigma.
Como todos nos sabemos doenca mental muitas vezes esta presente em nossas vidas e ocorre de forma mais acentuada em 1/5 da populacao, por isso o stigma deve ser combatido e a conversa mais aberta , direta e positiva deve ser estimulada.
Pense bem :Quantos de nos conhecemos alguem que sofre de depressao, eating disorders, que sao as manifestacoes mais populares de diversos transtornos que a nossa mente possa sofrer.

Bom fica ai o convite Domingao dia 21 de junho in New Market com uma galera animada que estara pedalando por uma boa causa.

Junte-se a nos! 

faremos um time de brasileiros na magrela. 

Join the team  nosso NOME: BRAZILIANS BY BIKE

Abracos a todos,

Este e o site da inscricao:

Bonne Chance! Paola

Vagas na Schneider Canada

entrem no Link abaixo e vejam ;-)

Bonne Chance! Paola

Faca seu Doutorado no Exterior. Saiba como

Seguem as informações sobre o evento em que as universidades do CALDO participarão nas cidades de Curitiba (20 de Maio) e Florinópolis (21 de Maio), respectivamente na UFPR e na UFSC. 
CALDO:   University of Alberta /  Université Laval / Dalhousie University / University of Calgary / University of Ottawa /  Queens University / University of Saskatchewan / Western University / University of Waterloo

For more information: 

Mais informações: 
Bonne Chance! Paola

Wednesday 15 April 2015

IBI Group jobs

IBI Group jobs you may be interested in ...

Credit and Collections Coordinator - Internal Posting
Toronto, Ontario

At IBI Group, you are part of a global team of dedicated professionals who share a common desire – to help our clients create livable, sustainable, and advanced urban environments.

As a Credit and Collections Coordinator in the Toronto office, you’ll join a growing team. You will resolve overdue A/R issues efficiently and tactfully through telephone/email contact with clients at the discretion of the Project Managers/Division Managers. You will identify and escalate client issues, advise and support Project Managers, and develop collection strategies as needed.  You will review accounts daily and evaluate accounts to be sent to the Collection Agency as well as prepare period by period status reports of past due/delinquent accounts.

If you want to work with a dynamic team and further develop your skills and expertise in credit and collections, come and discover what IBI has to offer.

ConneXt with Kristen McLain( to learn more about this opportunity.

Toronto, Ontario

At IBI Group, you are part of a global team of dedicated professionals who share a common desire – to help our clients create livable, sustainable, and advanced urban environments.

As a Job Captain in our Toronto 95 St. Clair Office, you’ll join a growing team. You will set up a project/drawing set (layers, line weights, print settings etc) as well as coordinate with mechanical/electrical/structural drawings. You will adjust plan elevations as necessary while keeping design intent intact and review and make changes to ensure design is cohesive. You will also be the main contact between consultants for any drawing coordination. 
If you want to work with a dynamic team and further develop your skills and expertise in high-rise residential projects, come and discover what IBI has to offer.
ConneXt with Lindsay Dow ( to learn more about this opportunity or refer a professional colleague.


Toronto, Ontario

At IBI Group, you are part of a global team of dedicated professionals who share a common desire – to help our clients create livable, sustainable, and advanced urban environments.

As a Contract Administrator in our Toronto 95 St. Clair Office, you’ll join a growing team. You will resolve complex technical and design issues and prepare revisions to existing working drawings as required. You will assist with the review of working drawings prepared by in-house staff or outside consultants and communicate as required with office or site staff, and all associated consultants. You will also administer and maintain project files as required.

If you want to work with a dynamic team and further develop your skills and expertise in high-rise residential projects, come and discover what IBI has to offer.
ConneXt with Lindsay Dow ( to learn more about this opportunity or refer a professional colleague.

Toronto, Ontario

At IBI Group, you are part of a global team of dedicated professionals who share a common desire – to help our clients create livable, sustainable, and advanced urban environments.

As a Corporate Law Clerk in our Toronto office, you’ll join a growing team. You will prepare annual minutes,, letters, and other related corporate documentation in support of our legal and corporate compliance requirements. You will prepare annual returns, prepare Business Name and Partnership Registrations and Renewals as well as create and maintain a corporate database to house and organize files.  You will ensure corporate information is updated regularly and accurately and maintain and in-depth and up-to-date knowledge of aspects of applicable law.

If you want to work with a dynamic team and further develop your skills and expertise in corporate law, come and discover what IBI has to offer.
ConneXt with Kristen McLain ( to learn more about this opportunity or refer a professional colleague.


Toronto, Ontario

At IBI Group, you are part of a global team of dedicated professionals who share a common desire – to help our clients create livable, sustainable, and advanced urban environments.

As a Project Manager/Senior Project Manager – Roads and Highways in our Toronto West office, you’ll join a growing team. You will function as a Project Manager/Senior Project Manager on civil infrastructure projects with a focus on detail design for municipal/arterial road and freeway design. You will prepare designs and contract specifications, manage staff productivity, mentor and supervise staff and project teams as well as foster a spirit of enthusiasm and client focus. You will lead and direct business development activities in the GTHA including preparation of proposals and statement of qualifications.

If you want to work with a dynamic team and further develop your skills and expertise in a broad range of transportation projects, come and discover what IBI has to offer.
ConneXt with Tyler Rice ( to learn more about this opportunity or refer a professional colleague.

For a complete list of our current job postings, please click here.

Bonne Chance! Paola