Wednesday 29 February 2012

7 alternatives to a landline phone, By Marc Saltzman

 Clique aqui para ver a materia original.

If you're reading this, chances are you've thought about cancelling your landline.
After all, why incur the extra monthly expense when your friends and family call you on your mobile phone anyway, or prefer to chat via Facebook or email?
In some countries, landlines are already passé, and Canada is inching towards that trend, too (mobile phone use first overtook landlines in this country in 2007).
Here are some options.:
WirelessMany Canadians are ditching their landline in favour of a mobile phone. Perhaps this isn't an ideal scenario when there's a large family at home who needs to make or accept a call (and you're out with the only phone), but it can make sense, and saves cents, for younger, on-the-go types. And with the new carrier competition in Canada there are some pretty aggressive wireless rates these days, including unlimited calls and data, for less than the cost of a landline at home in some cases -- especially when you add up the extra features like Caller ID, voicemail, and so on.
Skype Not only can you make free calls around the world using popular instant messaging software, such asSkype, but these programs support video calling, too. As long as you have a webcam, which you can pick up for as low as $20, you can make video calls to other people using the same software -- plus some cross-platform support is available, too, including Windows Live Messenger and Yahoo! Messenger. Use text, voice or video to chat, exchange files or have fun with special effects that make it look like you're in a different location or wearing silly apparel.
Magic Jack Those who use it swear by it. Magic Jack is a pocket-sized product that turns your computer into an inexpensive landline alternative. YMax Corp.'s $40 device - promoted on one of those "As Seen on TV" infomercials -- is inserted into an available USB port on your PC, and then you plug in a regular telephone jack into the other end and talk via VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) technology. For $20/year you've got unlimited calls to Canada and the U.S. and all incoming calls are free.
Unlicensed Mobile AccessYou might have seen TV commercials or print ads promoting a new service that lets you use a cell phone at home -  via your wireless network - and you can talk all you like as it won't count towards your monthly minutes. Rogers' TalkSpot and Fido's Uno both employ a neat technology called Unlicensed Mobile Access (UMA), where a call on a supported mobile phone can seamlessly switch from a cellular connection to your wireless network, and vice-versa. Prices start at $15/month for unlimited Canada-wide calls, but check your carrier's website for UMA-supported phones.
Smartphone appsPreviously profiled in the Bucks n' Bytes column, smartphone apps such as NetTalk let you make free phone calls to anyone in Canada and the U.S., including to landlines and mobile phones. It even works with the iPod touch. The catch? You don't get an incoming telephone number - you can only call out to other people. But they don’t need to be using the same app, unlike Skype, FaceTime and others. Audio quality is also spotty: sometimes it's quite clear while at other times the person you're calling might hear their voice repeating like an echo.
ACN digital phoneEndorsed by Donald Trump, the ACN digital phone and service lets you make unlimited calls in Canada and the U.S. --including a video phone option that lets you see who you're talking to in its 7-inch screen. Essentially, ACN uses VoIP (Voice or Internet Protocol) technology that uses your high speed Internet connection instead of a phone line, plus you can keep your phone number, choose another area code and manage your account online. Price for the video phone is $32.99/month for unlimited calls, with a 2-year commitment. Be forewarned, however, ACN is also a multilevel marketing (MLM) company, so you might be pitched to sell or buy products from your friends.
Voice or Internet Protocol (VOIP) service For as low as $20 you can use a VoIP service like Vonage - one of the first such services in Canada - to call friends and family in Canada and the U.S. for 500 minutes (or $29.95 for unlimited calls). And you can use your existing phone, select an area code of your choice and all your monthly extras – such as call-waiting, voicemail, and so on – are all free. Calls are also free between Vonage customers whether they’re in England, Canada or the U.S. All you need is a high-speed Internet connection and Vonage Phone Adapter that's provided for free when you sign up. As with Magic Jack, you can also bring that adapter when you travel to make or receive calls.

Bonne Chance! Paola

Home office tips: 11 ways to make it work, By sherylsmolkin

Para acessar o site com a materia clique aqui.
When I left the corporate world  seven years ago to work from home editing a magazine, I knew that to do my job properly I needed an ergonomic set up. I renovated a spare room and bought a U-shaped desk with upper cabinets, a book shelf with a filing cabinet and a comfy desk chair with lots of buttons and levers. I also invested in the latest technology.
But according to a recent survey by business machine and home appliance company Brother Canada, only two out of 10 Canadians who work from home say they have an efficient work space, or think that they are more productive at home than at the office. And when it comes to technology, many home offices are definitely not up to par. Only 65 per cent of respondents have a printer and only six in ten have a high-powered computer or laptop.
What you require to run a home office will depend on how frequently you work at home, the job you do and the number of people who share your home.  This is a list of the 10 essential things I need to do my job effectively.
1.   A dedicated office with a doorA single purpose room is not an option for everyone, but for me it is definitely the Holy Grail. Keeping the stacks of paper I seem to generate daily in order is a constant challenge. I don’t think I could cope if laundry and children’s toys were mixed in.
2.   Lots of desk space and storageI like “an open filing system.” Out of sight is out of mind. When I have work for multiple clients I need to be able to see and easily access their files. I also like to spread out my research all around me.  The built-in adjustable  keyboard tray which helps me avoid repetitive strain injuries is a bonus.
3. A business line with voice mailWe have two landlines and I use one for business. One of my New Year’s resolutions was to look into various VOIP options tested by other Moneyville bloggers, but I’m not there yet. The handset is a speaker phone but my headset is indispensible if I’m doing interviews or talking for any length of time.
Related: 7 alternatives to a landline phone
4. A smartphoneI’m often out and about. A smartphone is the only way I can possibly keep track of appointments, telephone numbers, addresses, Facebook and Twitter when I’m away from my desk. I have a BES server hosted by a company called SherWeb which automatically synchs when I enter information on either my phone or my computer.
Related: Roseman: Cut cell phone costs with wifi 
5.  A fast computer with a big screenI have a laptop with a docking station, a big screen and a separate keyboard. My favourite new toy is a high definition digital webcam that I plan to use to make videos for my corporate clients.
Related: Microsoft Windows 8 coming soon 
6.  A printer/fax/copier/scannerI’m using a seven year old HP LaserJet which still has lots of life in it. When I need colour copies I’m networked to the new Samsung colour laser printer in my husband’s office.
Related: This $1,300 printer creates 3d objects 
7.   A dependable fast, internet connectionMy internet connection has to be fast and available 24/7. When it went down on one or two occasions, I have been grateful for the kindness of neighbours who allow me to tap into their wi fi networks.
Related: Rogers follows Bell in ending internet throttling8.  A digital recorderI love my tiny Olympus digital recorder which plugs into the phone and directly into my computer to upload files. I’ve bought a newer model, but it is a little heavier and more complicated and I still haven’t got around to giving it a good road test.
9. Back up “in the cloud”I use a program called SugarSynch which maintains a complete mirror of all the files on my computer and is constantly backing up anything new. I can also access my SugarSynch files using my smartphone but I haven’t tried it yet. One really cool feature is that SugarSynch will generate a url I can use to send large audio and video files by email instead of trying to use attachments.
10.  An IT guyAs you can imagine, I could never keep all of this technology up to date and operating if I wasn’t married to a technology whiz who graciously spends far too much time moonlighting as my IT guy. But I’m not letting him give up his day job yet.
11.  A health and wellness programI belong to a gym and have an elliptic trainer at home as back up. However, I consider Rudy the dog and Simba the cat as essential elements of my health and wellness regime. I try to walk the dog twice a day and the cat purring on my desk definitely brings my blood pressure down when I have multiple deadlines.
Do you work at home some or all of the time?
Contact Toronto lawyer and writer Sheryl Smolkin through her website  Follow her on Twitter @SherylSmolkin.

Bonne Chance! Paola

Tuesday 28 February 2012

Programa para compra da casa propria na regiao de Peel

Pesquisa sobre o mercado de trabalho canadense

O nome da pesquisa em Ingles:
People without jobs, Jobs without people.

Eu ainda nao li por falta de tempo ... mas acho que deve ser muito informativo.

Bonne Chance! Paola

Job Fair 01 March 2012

Bonne Chance! Paola

Network, network, network

Em todas conferências, reuniões a coisa que mais de fala é do famoso “network” e de como ele é imprecindível para seu sucesso no Canadá.

É verdade. Outro dia fui à uma reunião e acabei conhecendo um cara que trabalha numa empresa. Depois de um tempo de conversa comentei com ele que tenho um amigo que trabalha na area de marketing e perguntei a ele se eu poderia encaminhar o CV dele. O cara me respondeu que justamente estavam buscando um profissional para o departamento de Marketing e que eu enviasse o Resume do meu amigo que ele encaminharia para o departamento de RH.

Não é incrível? Mas é assim que funciona.

Comentando com um amigo meu que eu estava na luta para conseguir minha primeira colocação no Mercado de trabalho canadense, ele me deu aquele apoio moral. Alguns dias depois ele me telefona, pois encontrou com um outro amigo e comentou sobre mim. Este amigo do meu amigo disse que justamente na empresa dele estavam procurando alguém com meu perfil profissional. Mandei um e-mail com meu Resume para o rapaz – que se tornou meu amigo também – e ele entregou para o chefe dele.

Inúmeros exemplos … mas a mensagem é sempre a mesma: Network funciona.

Bonne Chance! Paola

Medidas de calça e sapato – Brasil x Canadá

Pessoal, algumas informações que colhi por ai … espero que ajude!

1) Pra calça masculine é bem fácil. Você adiciona mais 10 ao número da cintura.As calças aqui tem duas medidas.. A primeira medida é o tamanho da cintura, a segunda é o comprimento da perna.Uma calça 36/32 significa 36 de cintura e 32 o tamanho da perna. No caso do tamanho da cintura o numero 36 daqui equivale o 46 do brasil.Já o numero da perna eu não sei se tem conversão, já que não é tão comum no Brasil.Mas eu tenho 1.81M e o tamanho 32 de perna fica bom em mim.
2) Sera que para as calcas feminias tem alguma equivalencia similar?
Eu, por exemplo, fui por experimentacao. No inicio, sem saber muito, comprei numero 10. Depois, nao que eu tenha emagrecido, mas as calcas comecaram a alargar, entao passei a comprar numero 8, outras vezes 6. No entanto, dependendo do material da calca, algumas de numero 6 iam sedendo, sedendo e ficavam maior que a 8 ou 10. Terrivel!
3) Tenho calcas tamanho 4, 6, 8 e ate 10. Dependendo da loja eu uso um tamanho, mas em geral, acredito que seja assim:
0 = 36
2 = 38
4 = 40
6 = 42
8 = 44
10 = 46
Minhas calcas brasileiras sao 42 e aqui eu geralmente compro 6, mas como eu disse, depende muito da loja. Para calcado é a mesma coisa. Tenho uma bota 5 e outra 8, mas meu numero no Brasil é 35.
4) Aqui vai umas tabelas de conversão que fui achando por aqui. Espero que ajude... Calça Masculina:Brasil  X Eua40 - 3042 - 3244 - 3446 - 3648 - 3850 - 4052 - 42 Calça Feminina:Brasil  X Eua34 - 735 - 7,5
36 - 8,5
37 - 9
38 - 10
40 - 12
42 - 14
44 - 16
46 - 18
48 - 20
Calçado Masculino:Brasil  X Eua39 - 7,540 - 8,541 - 9,542 - 1043 - 1144 -  12Calçado Feminino:Brasil  X Eua33 - 4,534 - 5,5
35 - 6
36 - 7
37 - 7,5
38 - 9
39 - 10
5) Nao sei se essa numeracao serve totalmente para o Canada. Aqui, como disse, eh capaz de acahrmos calcas 6, 8, 10,... como tb ja como 26, 27, 28, 29,... (na Tommy, por exemplo)
6) Lembrando q as medidas sao em polegadas.
Mais efetivo do q fazer a conversao e' medir a cintura e a perna...

Bonne Chance! Paola

Monday 20 February 2012

Cursos de linguas online

O site e interessante. Bons estudos, galera!

Bonne Chance! Paola

Portugues e Cultura brasileira na GTA

Escola Nova é uma iniciativa de um grupo de educadores, com ampla formação e experiência no Brasil, que atuam no Canadá como professores da língua portuguesa há mais de uma década.
É uma instituição privada de ensino que visa a produção do conhecimento de forma multi e interdisciplinar, resgatando não só a língua portuguesa propriamente dita, como também variados elementos da cultura brasileira.
Nosso compromisso é transformar as aulas e atividades em ricos momentos de aprendizado, mesclando o aprimoramento da língua portuguesa a ricas atividades culturais, por meio dos quais as distâncias poderão, se não reduzidas, muito bem preenchidas.

Bonne Chance! Paola

Tuesday 14 February 2012

A resposta Divina

Se algumas vezes eu me questiono se foi uma decisão certa ter vindo para o Canadá, deixado para trás 16.5 anos de história, lutas, conquistas e sucesso, nesta última Sexta-feira Deus providenciou minha resposta: uma bomba caiu em cima da casa que moravamos antes de virmos para cá.
Sexta-feira, 10 de Fevereiro de 2012, 23:00 hrs. Sem o alarme, sem anúncio no alto-falante … simplesmente caiu e destruiu. Ninguém se feriu. Algumas pessoas foram levadas para o hospital em estado de choque e/ou com um zumbido muito forte nos ouvidos, mas nada mais grave. Não que esta situação não seja grave por si só, mas para parâmetros israelenses não foi grave.
Tudo bem, confesso que embora esteja impactada pela notícia, não posso mentir … não foi exatamente em cima da minha casa, foi na casa do vizinho, que é tipo townhouse, ous eja, grudada na minha. Por alguns metros teria caido na laje da minha casa … A casa que eu morava foi atingida também, mas nao caiu em cima dela exatamente. A bomba caiu uns 5 metros antes da minha.
Estou ainda chocada … perplexa.
Há uns 4-5 anos atrás, não lembro com exatidão, caiu uma bomba atrás da minha casa, cerca de 10-15 metros atras. A casa também fora atingida naquela ocasião pelos estilhaços. Caiu na varanda da minha amiga, que estava grávida. Acabou com a parede da frente da casa dela, e ela e o filho foram para o hospital.
Ás vezes temos perguntas “nada inteligentes” rondando na nossa mente. Qualquer pessoa em plena sanidade mental não teria dúvidas se ter vindo para o Canadá foi uma decisão acertada, mas a vida e mais complexa que isso e são inúmeros fatores que nos levam a questionar decisões tomadas.
Pelo menos agora eu sei que realmente não tem caminho de volta.

Bonne Chance! Paola

Thursday 9 February 2012

9th Annual IEP Conference

Pensei que já houvesse publicado esta informação aqui … é amanhã!!

Program Schedule

7:30amRegistration in MTCC North Building (LOBBY)
OPENING CEREMONY - John Bassett Theatre
8:30amEmcees Annemarie Mediwake and Dwight Drummond – CBC News at 5 PM
Conference Welcome by Silma Roddau – IEP Conference Chair and President, PCPI and Christopher Alexander – Chair Board of Directors, PCPI
8:40amOpening Remarks by Citizenship and Immigration Canada
Welcome Remarks by Randy McLean – Director of Strategic Growth and Sector Development, Economic Development, City of Toronto
KEYNOTE SPEAKER - John Bassett Theatre
9:00amMorning Keynote Speaker Lionel Laroche, Ph.D., P. Eng. – Founding and Principal, MultiCultural Business Solutions
PANEL- John Bassett Theatre
9:30amIEPs Journeys to Success
10:15amRefreshment Break - MarketplaceRoom 106/107 Foyer
10:45amEngineering & Related ProfessionsRoom 104C
Information & Communication TechnologiesRoom 103
Business Services - Human Resources & MarketingRoom 104AB
Finance & AccountingRoom 104D
Healthcare & Related ProfessionsRoom 105
  Sector hub panels include representation from sector employers, regulatory/credentialing bodies, professional associations, educational institutions, government and successfully employed IEPs.
LUNCH (Room 106/107 Foyer)
12:15pmTake advantage of this opportunity for informal networking with fellow IEPs, and visit the Marketplace (Room 106/107) to connect with supporting organizations and employers!
Note: Box lunches will be provided for delegates.
KEYNOTE SPEAKER - John Bassett Theatre
1:30pmAfternoon Keynote Speaker Donna MesserManaging Editor for Entrenomics Magazine
2:15pmTaking it to the Next Step: Labour Market Information for Career AdvancementRoom 104C
Tips and Tools for Achieving Success in the Canadian WorkplaceRoom 105
Using Social Media Effectively as a Job Search ToolRoom 103
What Every Professional Needs to KnowRoom 104D
Strategic Steps in Starting a Successful BusinessRoom 104AB
    These sessions will offer IEPs an opportunity to hone their skills to compete in the Canadian marketplace. Please click on the workshops for more details.
CLOSING REMARKS - John Bassett Theatre
4:00pmRhonda Singer – Culture Chemistry
IEP Research Presentation
Avril Phillip – Workforce and Economic Development Professionalsand Denise Ghanam, PhD. – Strategic Management Consultants
4:30pm    Draw Prizes and conference wrap up

Program Subject to Change - Please check back often for updates.


2012 IEP Conference Marketplace Exhibitors

Please visit this year's Marketplace for numerous opportunities:


 CIC Foreign Credentials Referral Office

 Toronto Community News


 City of Toronto

 Certified General Accountants of Ontario

 TD Bank

 Certified Management Accountants Ontario

 York University / IEP Bridging Program 

 Canadian Immigrant Magazine

 Occupational Therapy Examination and Practice Preparation (OTepp) 

 RBC Royal Bank

 Peel Halton Workforce Development Group

 Toronto Workforce Innovation Group

 Workforce Planning Board of York Region & Bradford West Gwillimbury 

 Durham Region Local Training Board 

 Timmins Economic Development 

 Human Resources Professionals Association - Seneca

 Residence & Conference Centre 

 Sutherland Chan School and Teaching Clinic - Massage Therapy 

 Global Experience Ontario 

 Ontario Institute of Agrologists 

 Catholic Immigration Centre 

 World Education Services 

 Toronto District School Board - Next Steps Employment Centre 

 Job Skills 

 Welcome Centre 

 Credit Institute of Canada 


 International Credential Assessment Service 

 Ontario Society of Professional Engineers 

 Findhelp / 

 Internationally Trained Lawyers Program - U of T Faculty of Law 

 Humber College 

 Mennonite New Life Centre 

 Working Skills Centre 

 Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario 

 Investors Group 

 Toronto Region Immigrant Employment Council (TRIEC) 

 EPIC College of Technology 

 Morgan International 

 The Chang School of Continuing Education/ Ryerson University 


 Centennial College 

 Professions North/ Nord 

 George Brown College Immigrant Education 

 Occupation Specific Language Training OSLT c/o Seneca College 


 Innovations In Business Solutions Inc. 

 Toronto District School Board-Education and Language Training 



 Newcomer Women's Service 

 MCIS Non-Profit Language Services 

 COSTI Immigrant Services 



 Centre for Education and Training 

Bonne Chance! Paola