Calma, calma ... em boa hora o nosso CSQ chegou ontem, 25.10.10. Mas chegou na agencia que se ocupa do nosso processo. Entao ontem Elena telefonou para dizer que o certificado chegou e que nao precisaremos fazer a entrevista. Assim que eu ainda nao vi o dito cujo, mas sexta feira irei ate Tel Aviv, na agencia, entregar as fotos e o cheque e terei a oportunidade de segura-lo em minhas maos e dizer: Canada, ai vamos nos! Agora e so uma questao de tempo.
Minha sogra nao ficou nada contente. na verdade ela me deu um baita sermao e desejou que tudo de errado e que nos nunca viajemos. que o que ela quer e ternos perto dela e poder ver as netinhas todos os dias e varias vezes por dia. Bom, da pra entender ... so tem filhos (filho-homem como diz o bom mineiro), meu marido e o cacula, com 7 anos de diferenca dos irmaos (nasceram os dois no dia 01 de janeiro, um ano apos o outro). um cunhado mora no canada, e pos os 18 anos morou somente 5 anos aqui em israel. ou seja, ela quase nao o ve e tb os netinhos. o mais velho tb deixou o pais com uns 18-19 e morou nos EUA ate 1996, quando retornou ao pais. mas mora "longe" (1 hora de carro, aqui e considerado longe) e seus filhos ja sao grandes. a mais velha ja esta no exercito, o do meio tem 15 anos e a mais nova tem 13. assim que meu marido e o queridinho dela, o que semore ficou por perto, o que tem netas pequenas por perto ... pra ela sera dificil quando nos partirmos, nao gostaria de estar no lugar dela. Sempre e mais dificil pra quem fica do que pra quem parte ... (poderemos filosofar sobre o tema em outro post). mas enfim, e a vida.
minha mae parabenizou e disse que sabia que tudo daria certo. mas ela nao se empolga muito sobre o tema. compreensivel tb.
O engracado e que eu ja estava pensando que demoraria muito ... inclusive ja estava enlouquecendo meu marido novamente com o tema da quarta filha/o ... como a mulher da agencia disse que as entrevistas de outubro nao foram convocadas e entao seria so em abril-maio 2011 ... e coloca mais uns 8-12 meses para o processo federal, que e a media te tempo que leva aqui ... pensei que fosse melhor dar um jeito no assunto e chegar no canada ja com um nenem de 1 ano, bla bla bla. mulher e assim ne, pensa nas mil e uma hipoteses e possiveis cenarios. mas bem, agora ate os exames medicos nao posso engravidar. e curioso pois o marido que nunca nem queria oouvir falar de deixar o pais dele agora esta com pressa e vontade de ir logo. Deus opera milagres. Amem! e eu ate sugeri que ficassemos ate o pertinho do fim da validade do visto pra poder engravidar e contar com todo o apoio logistico (que e enorme) dos pais dele e ele disse que quer ir logo, que nao ve motivo pra ficar enrolando. ok, 50% e vontade mesmo de ir e 50% e pra ver se eu mudo de ideia sobre a gravidez.
Eu ate entendo ele. Chegar no Canada com as meninas ja maiorzinhas e podendo tanto eu quanto ele entrar no mercado de trabalho e bem mais "inteligente" do que chegar com uma nenem pequena e so ele podendo ir a luta para o nosso ganha pao. Sem falar que 1 filho a mais sao despesas a mais, nao so com comida (e o de menos) mas acho que principalmente com fraldas descartaveis e acessorios de nenem. Talvez eu esteja enganada, mas aqui essas coisas sao bem carinhas ...
Talvez eu seja ingenua, incosequente ou ate esteja nos limites da minha sanidade mental, mas eu realmente confio em Deus e sei que tudo se ajeita, que devo seguir a voz do meu coracao, nao abrir mao dos meus ideais, ir confiante, e tudo se ajeita. Deus colocara no meu caminho as pessoas certas na hora certa, e assim como eu ja ajudei muitas pessoas que estavam em apertos, tb contarei sempre com filhos de Deus que me ajudarao.
Sera que estou perdendo a cordura? Bom, de qq forma temos pelo menos uns 6 meses para pensar mais, refletir e amadurecer a ideia, e estar atentos para escutar os planos de Deus.
Bonne Chance! Paola
Tuesday, 26 October 2010
Monday, 25 October 2010
Guia Financeiro - Site Oficial
Este site tem informacoes bem interessante, como por ex., como construir seu orcamento, educacao financeira, calculadoras, informacoes sobre bancos, cartoes de credito, um glossario legal, entre outros. alem disso, navegar no site nos faz praticar o ingles e expandir o vocabulario.
ja neste site, the money belt, vc pode fazer comparacoes entre cartoes de credito, bancos, etc. nao olhei a fundo ainda, mas parece ser bom.
espero que ajude!
Bonne Chance! Paola
ja neste site, the money belt, vc pode fazer comparacoes entre cartoes de credito, bancos, etc. nao olhei a fundo ainda, mas parece ser bom.
espero que ajude!
Bonne Chance! Paola
Sunday, 24 October 2010
Louise - 1 aninho!
Sim, sim, sim ... que mamae coruja e esta que nem escreveu nada sobre a terceira princesinha do cla "Tavares-Wortman", completando 1 aninho de vida extra-uterina ... (???!!!). Pois e, o tempo voa. Dia 12 passado Louise completou 1 aninho. A comemoracao foi beemmm simples. Quando me lembro que quando a mais velha, Vitoria, completou 1 aninho fizemos uma mega festa ... servimos salmao defumado e cream cheese, croassant e o escambal a quatro ... os tempos mudam, a gente muda.
Para comemorar deixo aqui algumas fotos que tiramos no Dia "D".
Bonne Chance! Paola
Para comemorar deixo aqui algumas fotos que tiramos no Dia "D".
Bonne Chance! Paola
CMHC - Casa no Canada
Ola pessoal!
Achei um site bem legal com muitos dados e estatisticas sobre precos de casa: compra e aluguel nas diferentes cidades canadenses. alem disso tem muita informacao util ao imigrante tb.
espero que seja de boa serventia!
beijos, paola
Bonne Chance! Paola
Achei um site bem legal com muitos dados e estatisticas sobre precos de casa: compra e aluguel nas diferentes cidades canadenses. alem disso tem muita informacao util ao imigrante tb.
espero que seja de boa serventia!
beijos, paola
Bonne Chance! Paola
Wednesday, 20 October 2010
Trabalhando no Canada
pessoal, encontrei este video - super interessante - que permite saber tudo sobre sua profissao no canada, desde salarios, oportunidades de emprego, ate estudos e diplomas. quem me deu esta "luz" foi o blog Canada Diario.
vale a pena assitir!
Bonne Chance! Paola
vale a pena assitir!
Bonne Chance! Paola
Sunday, 17 October 2010
As bicicletas
Entao, como havia comentado em um outro post, compramos as bicicletas. Ja ha muito tempo que elas queriam este "brinquedos" de duas rodas. Como estavamos vivendo num "state of mind" que ja-ja zarpamos, tinhamos em mente compra-las no Canada, pois se comprassemos aqui depois venderiamos a preco de banana.
Mas ... como os pedidos nao cessavam e juntando o fato de termos deliberadamente resolvido viver no presente, compramos o presente. Elas estavam euforicas, no carro a caminho da loja pensavam em voz alta: _"eu quero rosa"; "capacete rosa tb, ta mae?".
Entramos numa loja, as bicicletas eram rosa mas o capacete e acessorios so tinha amarelo. Ok, never mind. Entao pela terceira vez, desde que chegamos ao shopping, Gabriela precisa fazer xixi. Destas vez fomos pelo outro lado e entao eu vi numa vitrine na toys r'us umas bicicletas. Pensei comigo mesma que depois do banheiro entraria la so para comparar os precos. Na verdade, esta e uma otima pratica que eu ando esquecendo - comparar precos. Mas como estou acostumada a sair com a Louise, o objetivo princicpal e terminar logo e voltar pra casa, e nao comprar bom e barato. Mas ... esta foi a primeira vez que sai sem ela, desde que ela nasceu. Embora o coracao de mae estivesse apertado, me dei ao luxo de pensar que tinha todo o tempo do mundo a minha disposicao. Entramos, e contramos tudo rosa e 20% mais barato. Pedi desculpas ao primeiro vendedor da outra loja e compramos bom e barato - e rosa.
Ao voltar pra casa, nem queriam almocar ... mas quando entenderam que quem nao comesse nao sairia de bicicleta, logo logo encheram o papo.
Andaram de bicicleta a tarde toda e ... desde entao, nao repetiram a dose (ja se passou uma semana). quando perguntei o que aconteceu, responderam em coro: o capacete e os acessorios de protecao esquentam muito ... faz muito calor. Ao que eu respondi em voz alta: daqui a pouco (quem sabe 3-4 semanas) esfria um pouco (20 graus positivos) e ai ficara melhor entao, nao e? e em voz baixa: espere so chegar no canada ... vcs nao sentirao mais calor ao andar de bicicleta!
e aqui as fotos destas princesas cor-de-rosa ...
aqui ela resolveu testar a joelheira e a cotoveleira ... crianca tem cada ideia ... eles sao muito originais!
Bonne Chance! Paola
Mas ... como os pedidos nao cessavam e juntando o fato de termos deliberadamente resolvido viver no presente, compramos o presente. Elas estavam euforicas, no carro a caminho da loja pensavam em voz alta: _"eu quero rosa"; "capacete rosa tb, ta mae?".
Entramos numa loja, as bicicletas eram rosa mas o capacete e acessorios so tinha amarelo. Ok, never mind. Entao pela terceira vez, desde que chegamos ao shopping, Gabriela precisa fazer xixi. Destas vez fomos pelo outro lado e entao eu vi numa vitrine na toys r'us umas bicicletas. Pensei comigo mesma que depois do banheiro entraria la so para comparar os precos. Na verdade, esta e uma otima pratica que eu ando esquecendo - comparar precos. Mas como estou acostumada a sair com a Louise, o objetivo princicpal e terminar logo e voltar pra casa, e nao comprar bom e barato. Mas ... esta foi a primeira vez que sai sem ela, desde que ela nasceu. Embora o coracao de mae estivesse apertado, me dei ao luxo de pensar que tinha todo o tempo do mundo a minha disposicao. Entramos, e contramos tudo rosa e 20% mais barato. Pedi desculpas ao primeiro vendedor da outra loja e compramos bom e barato - e rosa.
Ao voltar pra casa, nem queriam almocar ... mas quando entenderam que quem nao comesse nao sairia de bicicleta, logo logo encheram o papo.
Andaram de bicicleta a tarde toda e ... desde entao, nao repetiram a dose (ja se passou uma semana). quando perguntei o que aconteceu, responderam em coro: o capacete e os acessorios de protecao esquentam muito ... faz muito calor. Ao que eu respondi em voz alta: daqui a pouco (quem sabe 3-4 semanas) esfria um pouco (20 graus positivos) e ai ficara melhor entao, nao e? e em voz baixa: espere so chegar no canada ... vcs nao sentirao mais calor ao andar de bicicleta!
e aqui as fotos destas princesas cor-de-rosa ...
aqui ela resolveu testar a joelheira e a cotoveleira ... crianca tem cada ideia ... eles sao muito originais!
Bonne Chance! Paola
$$$ - Filhos - Canada

Canada Child Tax Benefit (CCTB) é um auxílio do governo, insento de impostos na sua maioria, com o objetivo de ajudar famílias que tenham filhos menores de 18 anos. O pagamento é feito no dia 20 de cada mês, com exceção do mês de dezembro, sendo este feito uma semana antes. Caso vc não receba este auxílio em até 5 dias úteis após o dia 20 do mês, contacte a “Canada Revenue Agency”: 1-800-387-1193. Nota: eles pedem para esperar 10 dias úteis de atraso antes de telefonar.
Para receber este auxílio vc deve entrar nos critérios abaixo:
· Ser diretamente responsável por uma (ou mais) criança menor de 18 anos.
· Ser um residente canadense; ou
· Ser casada (morar junto) com um residente permanente / um refugiado/ um residente temporario por pelo menos 18 meses
· Outros critérios tb podem ser aplicáveis (os canadenses são tão bonzinhos e flexíveis ...)
Aplique por correios ou online:
Application Form
Online Application
A quantia é calculada de acordo com as informações que vc passa no “Income Tax and Benefit Returns” e pode ser reajustada durante o ano caso haja mudança no número de membros da família ou no estado civil.
Caso vc utilize um “toll-free telephone service” vc provavelmente terá que passer o seu “Social Insurance Number”.
Há ainda o “National Child Benefit”, dado pelo governo federal para famílias com baixa renda, com o intuito de combater a pobreza infantil. Espero que nenhum de nós precise desta ajuda, mas de qq forma, aqui vai o link :
Já este panfleto aqui é ex-ce-len-te (ainda sei separaçao sílabica, meu português ainda tem esperanças … rsrsrs) e explica como, quando, porque e quanto vc pode receber de CCTB e de NCB : ; e há tb uma calculadora online :
Existe tb o “Universal Child Care Benefit” (UCCB), uma outra ajuda do governo (parece que não acaba mais ...) criada na tentativa de equilibrar a vida professional e a vida familiar. São CAN$ 100 para cada criança menor de 6 anos. Após os 6, a criança ingressa na primeira série (1st grade) e então os pais não tem mais gastos com creche, daycare etc. O UCCB sofre descontos de imposto de renda.
Para maiores informações, sugiro a entrar no site “Child and Family Benefit” : . E tb neste aqui: , onde vc encontra calculadoras, formularios, FAQ, níveis de renda, cálculos e pagamentos, entre muitas outras utilidades relacionadas.
Lembre-se : existem programas provinciais tb. Acesse o site : e conheça os programas oferecidos na província onde vc reside.
Espero ter esclarecido alguns pontos relacionados ao tema. Algumas de$ta$ ajuda$ podem ser levadas em conta ao se preparar/planejar o orçamento de um imigrante. Eu acho que vc só começa receber após ter feito sua primeira declaração de imposto de renda.
Para quem está indo com uma boa re$erva (e não conta com este auxílio), uma boa pedida é deposita-lo automaticamente no RESP e já ir garantindo o ensino superior da garotada.
Beijos a todos!
Wednesday, 13 October 2010
Frases de criancas
Criancas sao uma graca! Eu adoro esta logica tao simples e inocente que eles tem. Recebi um e-mail de uma amiga com algumas frases simplesmente brilhantes.
E aproveitemos para melhorar o ingles ... rsrsr
She was in the bathroom, putting on her makeup, under the watchful eyes of her young granddaughter, as
she'd done many times before. After she applied her lipstick and started to leave, the
little one said, "But Grandma, you forgot to kiss the toilet paper good-bye!" I will probably
never put lipstick on again without thinking about kissing the toilet paper good-bye....
My young grandson called the other day to wish me Happy Birthday. He asked me how old I was,
and I told him, 62. My grandson was quiet for a moment, and then he asked, "Did you start at 1?"
After putting her grandchildren to bed, a grandmother changed into old slacks and a droopy
blouse and proceeded to wash her hair.. As she heard the children getting more and more
rambunctious, her patience grew thin. Finally, she threw a towel around her head
and stormed into their room, putting them back to bed with stern warnings. As she left
the room, she heard the three-year-old say with a trembling voice, "Who was THAT?"
A grandmother was telling her little granddaughter what her own childhood was like. "We used to
skate outside on a pond. I had a swing made from a tire; it hung from a tree in our front
yard. We rode our pony. We picked wild raspberries in the woods." The little girl was
wide-eyed, taking this all in. At last she said, "I sure wish I'd gotten to know you sooner!"
My grandson was visiting one day when he asked, "Grandma, do you know how you and God are
alike?" I mentally polished my halo and I said, "No, how are we alike?'' "You're both old," he replied.
A little girl was diligently pounding away on her grandfather's word processor... She told him she
was writing a story. "What's it about?" he asked. "I don't know," she replied. "I can't read."
I didn't know if my granddaughter had learned her colors yet, so I decided to test her.
I would point out something and ask what color it was She would tell me and was
always correct. It was fun for me, so I continued. At last, she headed for the door,
saying, "Grandma, I think you should try to figure out some of these colors yourself!"
When my grandson Billy and I entered our vacation cabin, we kept the lights off until we were
inside to keep from attracting pesky insects. Still, a few fireflies followed us in.
Noticing them before I did, Billy whispered, "It's no use Grandpa. Now the mosquitoes are
coming after us with flashlights.."
When my grandson asked me how old I was, I teasingly replied, "I'm not sure." "Look in
your underwear, Grandpa," he advised "Mine says I'm 4 to 6."
A second grader came home from school and said to her grandmother, "Grandma, guess what? We
learned how to make babies today." The grandmother, more than a little surprised, tried
to keep her cool. "That's interesting." she said. "How do you make babies?" "It's
simple," replied the girl. "You just change 'y' to 'i' and add 'es'."
Children's Logic: "Give me a sentence about a public servant," said a teacher. The small boy
wrote: "The fireman came down the ladder pregnant." The teacher took the lad aside
to correct him. "Don't you know what pregnant means?" she asked. "Sure," said the young boy
confidently. 'It means carrying a child."
A grandfather was delivering his grandchildren to their home one day when a fire truck zoomed past.
Sitting in the front seat of the fire truck was a Dalmatian dog. The children started discussing the dog's duties.
"They use him to keep crowds back," said one child. "No," said another. "He's just for good luck." A third
child brought the argument to a close."They use the dogs," she said firmly, "to find the fire hydrants."
A 6-year-old was asked where his grandma lived. "Oh," he said, "she lives at the airport, and when we want her,
we just go get her. Then, when we're done having her visit, we take her back to the airport."
Grandpa is the smartest man on earth! He teaches me good good things, but I don't get to
see him enough to get as smart as him!
My Grandparents are funny, when they bend over, you hear gas leaks and they blame their dog.
she'd done many times before. After she applied her lipstick and started to leave, the
little one said, "But Grandma, you forgot to kiss the toilet paper good-bye!" I will probably
never put lipstick on again without thinking about kissing the toilet paper good-bye....
My young grandson called the other day to wish me Happy Birthday. He asked me how old I was,
and I told him, 62. My grandson was quiet for a moment, and then he asked, "Did you start at 1?"
After putting her grandchildren to bed, a grandmother changed into old slacks and a droopy
blouse and proceeded to wash her hair.. As she heard the children getting more and more
rambunctious, her patience grew thin. Finally, she threw a towel around her head
and stormed into their room, putting them back to bed with stern warnings. As she left
the room, she heard the three-year-old say with a trembling voice, "Who was THAT?"
A grandmother was telling her little granddaughter what her own childhood was like. "We used to
skate outside on a pond. I had a swing made from a tire; it hung from a tree in our front
yard. We rode our pony. We picked wild raspberries in the woods." The little girl was
wide-eyed, taking this all in. At last she said, "I sure wish I'd gotten to know you sooner!"
My grandson was visiting one day when he asked, "Grandma, do you know how you and God are
alike?" I mentally polished my halo and I said, "No, how are we alike?'' "You're both old," he replied.
A little girl was diligently pounding away on her grandfather's word processor... She told him she
was writing a story. "What's it about?" he asked. "I don't know," she replied. "I can't read."
I didn't know if my granddaughter had learned her colors yet, so I decided to test her.
I would point out something and ask what color it was She would tell me and was
always correct. It was fun for me, so I continued. At last, she headed for the door,
saying, "Grandma, I think you should try to figure out some of these colors yourself!"
When my grandson Billy and I entered our vacation cabin, we kept the lights off until we were
inside to keep from attracting pesky insects. Still, a few fireflies followed us in.
Noticing them before I did, Billy whispered, "It's no use Grandpa. Now the mosquitoes are
coming after us with flashlights.."
When my grandson asked me how old I was, I teasingly replied, "I'm not sure." "Look in
your underwear, Grandpa," he advised "Mine says I'm 4 to 6."
A second grader came home from school and said to her grandmother, "Grandma, guess what? We
learned how to make babies today." The grandmother, more than a little surprised, tried
to keep her cool. "That's interesting." she said. "How do you make babies?" "It's
simple," replied the girl. "You just change 'y' to 'i' and add 'es'."
Children's Logic: "Give me a sentence about a public servant," said a teacher. The small boy
wrote: "The fireman came down the ladder pregnant." The teacher took the lad aside
to correct him. "Don't you know what pregnant means?" she asked. "Sure," said the young boy
confidently. 'It means carrying a child."
A grandfather was delivering his grandchildren to their home one day when a fire truck zoomed past.
Sitting in the front seat of the fire truck was a Dalmatian dog. The children started discussing the dog's duties.
"They use him to keep crowds back," said one child. "No," said another. "He's just for good luck." A third
child brought the argument to a close."They use the dogs," she said firmly, "to find the fire hydrants."
A 6-year-old was asked where his grandma lived. "Oh," he said, "she lives at the airport, and when we want her,
we just go get her. Then, when we're done having her visit, we take her back to the airport."
Grandpa is the smartest man on earth! He teaches me good good things, but I don't get to
see him enough to get as smart as him!
My Grandparents are funny, when they bend over, you hear gas leaks and they blame their dog.
Bonne Chance! Paola
English - Ingles,
para rir
Sunday, 10 October 2010
documentos que convem levar com vc para o Canada
Aqui uma lista de documentos que convem levar com vc para o Canada:
- degrees, diplomas or certificates from universities, colleges, secondary schools or trade schools
- diplomas, certificados de instituicoes de ensino desde o nivel secundario
- program descriptions related to your studies
- descricao do programa de estudos (materias que vc cursou)
- transcripts of grades
- traducoes de notas
- apprenticeship certificates
- certificados de estagios
- letters from employers
- cartas de recomendacao de empregadores
- performance reviews
- analise de performances (imagino que seja do empregador tb)
- work descriptions for jobs you have done
- descricao dos cargos que vc ocupou
- letters of reference
- cartas de referencia
Crossing the border: documents you need - para quem esta chegando no Canada. Neste site vc encontra muita informacao util sobre como se preparar para o "landing".
Bonne Chance! Paola70+ Tools For Job Hunting 2.0
ola pessoal!
achei mais uma lista de sites de busca de emprego neste site aqui.
quem olha pensa que estou de vento em polpa na busca de emprego mas infelizmente nao e assim nao. Simplesmente comecei acompanhar um blog sobre empregos que tem materias bem interessantes sobre entrevistas, comportamento, etc. e de vez em quando eles postam uma lista de sites. Como sei que tem gente que sim esta procurando emprego eu coloco aqui. Espero que ajude!
Job search has evolved over recent years, with hundreds of companies piling in to the space. We’ve picked out ore than 70 that should help job seekers get ahead. – Programming, design, an executive jobs – Focusing on job searches for college graduates and young alumni.
Amiko – Online resume generator. – Listings of companies looking for full-time and freelance web designers. – Search by keywords, location, or browse by industry. – A site for personal instructors in sports and music to find students. – Babysitting, nanny, child care, tutoring, pet care and senior care jobs.
=============================================== – General job search site. – Jobs board for private instructors in sports, art, music and the like. – Fill out a survey about yourself and get matched to a job by your interests. – Part time, freelance, and contract job offerings for creative types. – Technical job listings in Europe. – Job listings for summer and seasonal jobs at national parks and resorts. – Allows for creatives to publish an online portfolio and search for jobs. – The infamous CraigslistCraigslist. Select your city and search for jobs in your area. – Lets you search for jobs in a confidential manner. – Post yourself, list any specialized skills you could bring to a job. – Focus on freelance work related to graphics, web design, and content creation. – Job searches focusing on Canada. – Helps you convert your resume in to the hResume format for online use. – Focusing on hooking up lawyers with clients.
FreshWebJobs – Full-time and freelance web developer jobs. – People looking for freelancers of all types. – Post video resumes of yourself for prospective employers to search. – Focusing on jobs in India in the technology fields. – Currently only covers San Francisco, shows jobs by markers on a GoogleGoogle map. Plans to expand to other cities later. – Assortment of freelance jobs that allow you to work from home. – Localized handyman jobs, post your availablility, get hired. – International jobs and internships. – Directed solely to putting nannies together with families.
Indeed – Searches several job sites, newspapers, associations and company career pages. – Helps you manage your job search by letting you organize yourself. – Post job listings, and even add a job board to your existing site – Focuses on small jobs, all the way down to needing someone to mow the yard. – Focusing on technical jobs, post your resume and search for jobs. – Reviews job boards and helps you pick the right one for you. – Dedicated to the Midwest, focuses on employment, training and opportunities. – Fill out your profile, view your job matches, and let people hunt for you. – Jobs from multiple countries, earn rewards for referring others.
Jobpile – Aggregates from numerous jobs boards to let you search them all at once. – Design and development jobs boards, features customized RSS feeds. – Browse and search for jobs and earn prizes while you do it.
=============================================== – Post your resume, get advice, join networks. – Creative and technology job listings. – A site for the unemployed to gather, network and help each other find work. – Job aggregator that monitors thousands of employers websites. – View classified job listing on a Google map, seeing what is in your area. – One of the best known job search engines. – Intelligent job matching for the technology field. – Works for both employers and job seekers, searchable by jobs and regions. – Read reviews of employers written by people with experience in the same company. – Focusing on tutors of foreign languages of all skill levels. – Professional networking site for Canada. – Millions of jobs from all around the world. Search by keywords and location. – Create a professional looking resume and publish it online. – Ever wondered if you were getting a fair salary offer? Use this site to compare it to what others report. – Focusing on teachers, and schools looking for them. – Job tracking, invoicing, reporting & project management for the part-time independent contractor.
=============================================== – Millions of jobs harvested from numerous sources. – Jobs boards for creative types such as artists, actors, dancers, musicians and much more. – Features a resume builder, get your peers to review, and then search for jobs. – Connecting students and teachers from all over the world. – Tutors list your profiles and let students find you. – Specifically made to help tutors and students connect. – Designed with web professionals in mind, features full-time and freelance jobs. – Give people leads in to your former job, while getting tips on the one you want to get. – Connecting teachers and students for distance learning. – Job search engine with browsable categories including government jobs and Fortune 1000 companies.
Yahoo HotJobs – Jobs board owned by one of the largest web companies. – Search for jobs or network with people inside your industry. – Focusing on career women trying to balance work and a personal life. – Based in the UK, find jobs for yourself and earn money for referring friends to other jobs.
Bonne Chance! Paola
2 < 3 ...
Sexta-feira sai sem minha petite Louise pela primeira vez (mais de 2 horas de separacao). Eu fui buscar as duas outras na escolinha e Louise ficou em casa dormindo com o papai. O plano era depois da escola sair para comprar as bicicletas. Tudo correndo bem, saimos da escola, pegamos a estrada em direcao a Ashdod, uma cidade proxima. No caminho choveu - a primeira chuva do outono. Mas nao imaginem um chuvareu nao ... foi uma chuva de menos de 10 minutos e o asfalto ja estava seco poucos minutos apos a chuva ter parado. Abrimos as janelas do carro, pequenos dedinhos do lado de fora, muita alegria, risos e gritos: "caiu uma gotinha no meu dedo!", "minha mao molhou!". Foi quando me deparei com um pensamento horrivel (conciencia pesada de mae): "Que sensacao de liberdade ... como e tao facil sair so com as duas maiores ... sem carregar mil e um bolsas, fraldas, sem ter que levar a criatividade ao maximo para que ela nao chore durante a viagem (e enlouqueca a todos, ja que ela nao chora - ela grita)." Foi ai que pensei: "oh-oh ... Paola, como vc ousa pensar uma coisa assim?" Eu amo minhas 3 filhas, sou muito coruja, e nao faco muito coisa alem de tomar conta delas e trabalhar, tanto e que Louise comnpletara 1 aninho dia 12.10 e so agora sai de casa sem ela. Mas sair com as 3 as vezes e uma experiencia um tanto estressante. Duas vezes por semana eu saio de casa as 14:45 com a Louise, busco Vitoria e Gabriela na escolinha. De la vamos para a aula de bale, 1 hr. para cada uma. Por volta das 18:15 voltamos para casa. Sao muitas horas fora de casa, e agora que mudaram a sala para o segundo andar e nao tem elevador nao posso nem levar o carrinho para ajudar a carregar as mil e uma bolsas com roupas, sapatilhas, comida, agua, fraldas, lencinhos umidos e tudo mais que vcs puderem imaginar. Sem contar que a aula da Gabriela e junto com a mae/pai. Entao me vejo fazendo aula de bale com uma na mao direita e a outra no colo no braco esquerdo - respire fundo! E quando chegamos em casa, elas estao todas as 3 esgotadas da jornada, mas tem que dar banho, dar o jantar, escovar dentes, historinha e cama! Nos dias de bale, como o tempo fica muito apertado elas vao pra cama ate as 20:00, pois nos outros e 19:30, ficando so a Louise acordada, ja que ela dorme durante o dia e nem sempre esta cansada neste horario.
Enfim, este pensamento "obscuro" me fez refletir sobre a 4 filha que eu tanto queria/quero (ja nao sei mais). Ja que estou tao cansada, e que ja nem tudo e so festa e alegria, mas tb muito trabalho e toneladas de paciencia, talvez deva dar credito ao pedido do maridao de fechar a fabrica.
Mas com certeza me convenci de que antes de imigrarmos nao seria uma boa ideia engravidar e/ou dar a luz. Darnos a oportunidade de fazer as coisas com mais calma, com menos estresse, nao chegar com 3 filhas num pais novo e ainda com uma outra na barriga ou recem-nacida.
Bonne Chance! Paola
coisas da vida,
Saturday, 9 October 2010
Onde eu moro? nos quintos dos ... oriente medio!
oi pessoal!
pois e, muitos tem muita curiosidade sobre onde eu moro ... entao aqui vai um curta metragem do local.
Bonne Chance! Paola
Empresas que estao contratando agora
ola pessoal!
encontrei uma lista legal para quem esta em busca do emprego:
na lista vc encontra as empresas que estao contratando agora.
boa sorte a todos!!
Bonne Chance! Paola
encontrei uma lista legal para quem esta em busca do emprego:
na lista vc encontra as empresas que estao contratando agora.
boa sorte a todos!!
Bonne Chance! Paola
Empregos temporarios e empregabilidade
Ha muito li uma materia sobre empregos temporarios e suas possiveis consequencias. Imprimi e coloquei em algum lugar da casa na esperanca que meu marido lesse tb. Pois bem, ontem a noite, arrumando umas gavetas, me deparei com a materia. Ele leu (viva!) e agora estou aqui para contar para vcs e dar o meu pitaco sobre o assunto. Abaixo vcs podem ler a materia ou entrar no link. E mais abaixo, depois da materia, eu continuo escrevendo (nao deixem de ler!)
Why taking a temp job can reduce your income
Job hunters may be better off being unemployed and searching for permanent work rather than taking temporary positions, a new study contends.
“It’s not that temp work is bad, per se,” said David Autor, who co-wrote the study. “It’s that people who are successful as temps, would tend to be far more successful in direct hire jobs. It’s the opportunity cost rather than direct harm.”Autor, an economist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and colleague Susan Houseman carried out a broad study of outcomes for 37,000 job seekers. The study group comprised clients of Work First, a public job-placement service operating in Detroit whose goal is to get people off welfare.Applicants were randomly assigned to jobs; some were temporary positions doled out by agencies, others were direct hires to participating companies. All the jobs were relatively low-wage, low-skill labour.Autor found that those workers who lucked into direct-hire employment, on average, earned 30 to 50 per cent more over the next two years than workers who took temp jobs. They found that earnings for temp workers tended to jump at the outset but then settled back when those jobs ended after a few days or weeks.“The average outcome is that people placed in temp jobs do less well than they would have if they had just spent the extra time to search for a direct-hire position,” Autor said from his office at M.I.T. on Monday.“Holding the temp job has two consequences: First of all, it’s very difficult to search for a job while you’re working. Second, when you’re connected to a temp agency, you may have the illusion a job is about to show up. They say, ‘We’ll call you when we have something.’ I wouldn’t call it ‘complacency,’ but it may create the sense that you’re doing something when you’re not.”At the root of all this is the onerous nature of the job hunt itself.“We know from all kinds of studies that people ... hate searching for work. They hate it much more than working.”Temp work, it seems, jolts people out of a job-hunting state of mind while offering no long-term benefits.“Direct-hire placements give people stability. Stability is very valuable,” Autor said. “People often talk about the benefits of flexibility and so forth. Most of those benefits are actually for the employer rather than the employee.”One of his conclusions is that government should not be in the business of trying to place people in temp jobs.“You don’t need a government agency to connect you to a temp agency. Everybody knows where they are,” Autor said. “What is hard is connecting workers directly to employers.”The participants in the study were a very particular kind of worker – one with little training. But Autor believes the study’s findings apply to a broad economic spectrum.He is very careful not to suggest that people who need to put food on the table should be turning down any sort of job. But he gently suggests that the goal should be a successful job search, not a short one.“What I’d like (job seekers) to take from this is that although temporary work sometimes leads to a direct-hire position, that’s probably not the most fruitful way to get them, relative to the sort of painful work of a direct-hire search,” Autor said.“Don’t view temp work as the on-ramp into the labour market.”
Levando em conta os dados que a pesquisa expoe, acho que para um casal seria entao mais facil que para uma pessoal solteira, pois assim um pode ingressar num emprego temporario e garantir uns trocados entrando em CAN$ e cobrir parte ou todas as despesas enquanto o outro continua buscando o seu emprego permanente e estavel. Alem da vantagem de ter uma renda, ainda que pequena e temporaria, o novo imigrante tem a possibilidade de construir uma rede de contatos, podendo esta ajuda-lo na busca do emprego permanente - tanto seu como do conjuge.
Uma outra questao que me veio a mente e que as vezes muitos dos casais chegam ao Canada sem o dominio da lingua, ou seja, um sabe frances/ingles e o outro nao. Este fato poderia nao permitir fazer uso da estrategia que descrevi antes, pois sem o dominio total e/ou parcial da lingua fica menos facil encontrar qualquer tipo de emprego, certo? ERRADO! Existem muitas outras possibilidades para trabalhar sem dominar ainda a lingua. Vamos supor que uma familia chegue no Canada na seguinte situacao: o homem, aplicante principal, sabe frances/ingles; a mulher tem conhecimentos super basicos da lingua (ou nenhum); os filhos que ainda nao sabem mas aprenderao muito mais rapido que todos. O homem entao e o canditato a buscar o emprego permanente e estavel, enquanto sua esposa alem de estudar a lingua (a noite por ex.) entrara no emprego provisorio. Mas como? Uma solucao muito simples seria - sem sair de casa - oferecer servicos de "creche" a outras maes brasileira que ja ingressaram no mercado de trabalho. nao precisa ser em tempo integral, inclusive. Ela dispoe de algumas opcoes:
1. tipo "daycare" "homeday/homecare" em tempo integral
2. apos/antes do kindergarten em periodo integral ou parcial
3. refeicoes para as criancas que pode ser oferecido no local onde a crianca estuda ou na casa da propria imigrante.
uma das vantagens que esta mulher tem em relacao as outras creches seria a lingua portuguesa - que toda mae gostaria de preservar ou transmitir a seus filhos.
um outro ponto a ser ponderado e a possibilidade de transformar este trabalho temporario em permanente, abrir uma empresa e usufruir das vantagens que podem ser recebidas, como por exemplo declarar parte dos gastos como gastos com a empresa - a creche - gastos com agua, eletricidades, aquecimentos, parte do financiamento da casa, diarista para fazer a limpeza (caso resolva contratar os servicos de alguma) e etc.
Esta "solucao ocupacional" pode ser vista nao so como uma fonte de renda para o casal/familia imigrante mas tambem como um tipo de ajuda mutua entre os imigrantes: por um lado vc ajuda uma familia recem-chegada, por outro vc pode ir tranquila para o trabalho e saber que seu ffilho esta sendo bem cuidado - e em portugues!
Para abrir um "homedaycare" e preciso:
1) de um certificado de primeiros socorros (CPR), que vc pode fazer em um fim de semana ou online. A Cruz Vermelha oferece este curso, mas nao e a unica. Veja o CPR da Cruz Vermelha aqui:
2) de uma pessoa responsavel para cada 5 criancas. Assim que se vc nao tem planos de pegar mais que 5, pode trabalhar sozinha.
bom e isso! a Louise acordou, Vitoria e Gabriela acabaram de chegar de seu passeio de bicicleta mortas de fome. Entao, mamae entra em cena!
Bonne Chance! Paola
Obs.: obrigada KK pelas suas importantes observacoes!
Obs.: obrigada KK pelas suas importantes observacoes!
Thursday, 7 October 2010
ensino superior no canada mais facil com o programa RESP
Muitos pais ficam preocupados sobre o futuro academico dos filhos. No Brasil sempre ha a esperanca de o filho ingressar numa universidade federal ou estadual, mas no Canada nao ha esta opcao. As universidades sao pagas e nao sao baratas. Entretanto, o governo presta um auxilio para aqueles pais que sao de certa forma financeiramente um pouco organizados e economizam com o objetivo de garantir os estudos academicos dos filhos. Vejam a seguir uma breve explicacao deste programa governamental e algumas dicas para nao serem eventualmente surpreendidos. A materia esta em ingles pela falta de tempo para traduzir. Espero que ajude!
RESP - Registered Education Savings Plans
From: Human Resources and Skills Development Canada
Benefits of Having an RESP – Save Early, Earn More
With the help of an RESP you, as a parent, friend or family member, can start putting aside money for a child’s post-secondary education. Your contributions can grow surprisingly quickly when you use this special savings account, as the Government of Canada offers the Canada Education Savings Grant and the Canada Learning Bond exclusively to RESP subscribers.
How to Open an RESP
Opening an RESP is not difficult. In fact, it only takes two simple steps:
- Apply for a Social Insurance Number (SIN).
- Choose an RESP Provider.
Choosing an RESP Provider
RESPs are offered by most financial institutions. It is important to choose providers carefully, as they will be responsible for managing your contributions, as well as making the payments to the child named in the plan. Check out for tips that will help you choose an RESPs Provider.
Questions for RESPs Providers
It is important to ask your provider about investment options and to request a list of fees or penalties that you may be required to pay. provides a helpful list of questions for RESPs Providers.
Using Your RESPs
Upon enrolling in a qualifying educational program - a course of study that lasts at least three consecutive weeks, with a minimum of 10 hours of instruction or work per week – the child named in your plan will become eligible to receive payments from the RESP to help cover the costs of education after high school. Find out more about using your RESPs and Educational Assistance Payments (EAPs).
What Happens if the Child Does Not Continue Education After High School?
If your beneficiary decides not to attend a post-secondary institution right after high school, visit to find out what you can do with the money in your RESP.
RESP Surprises
I started saving for my children’s post-secondary education from the first month they were born. First I used in-trust accounts. Back then the RESP wasn’t the great product it is today so I hedged my bets. When the RESP improved and it became obvious that at least one of my children would be going to university, I switched to using an RESP so I could grab all the grant money I could.
August was the month when money started coming back out of the RESP and I was very surprised to learn that there are restrictions on how much you can pull from an RRSP in the early days. Alex’s school fees and residence costs amounted to about $14,000 for the year. (Yup, that’s what it costs folks, so all you guys who are holding tight to the thought ‘I paid for my education, my kids can pay for theirs’ better check into the new reality of university costs.)
I called My Patrick and asked for the money we’d needed to cover her costs to be taken from the RESP. (I’d already told My Patrick that this was coming, so we’d moved enough to ‘cash’ to make it happen.) I’d never, in a million years, imagined that there would be restrictions on how much I could take from the plan for school.
But there are.
It seems the government has put a little hitch into the system. It’s been created to try and stop scoundrels from grabbing grant money and then absconding without going to school. The hitch is that you can only take $5,000 from the RESP in the first 13 weeks of school, so either you find the extra money you need from cash flow (RIGHT!) or you suck it up and pay the university interest because you have to make “payments.”
Really? I save diligently for my kid and you make me pay interest on a balance I shouldn’t have to carry? That’s the solution you’ve come up with Mr. Federal Man! Wouldn’t a more reasonable solution be that the money must go directly to the school, and if there is a refund because the kid drops out, the money must go directly back to the RESP?
The ironic thing here is that student loans are offered to our kids without any regulation that they be used for tuition, residence or books. Kids get the money in their hot little hands and then head off to Europe, buy a car, or simply drink their way through it without any “guidance” from the government. But savings… ah, that’s altogether another thing. The government isn’t going to make any interest off savings that have been misused so those must be regulated. But if a kid wants to rack up thousands and thousands of dollars in student loans with nary a thought for the long-term implications, that’s fine since the government is going to get it’s ten pounds of flesh.
Ah, yes, another fine example of a well-thought-out plan. Hmmm.
Okay, so your kid’s off to university or college and you want to get at the money you’ve been saving diligently.
The first thing you’ll have to provide is proof of enrollment. You’ll need to check with your planholder institution to see what its particular requirements may be. I just had to pony up Alex’s online registration and the subsequent registration confirmation she received along with her offer of admission. But sometimes you have to get a special form filled out by the university, so ask.
The money from the RESP can be sent to you as the subscriber, to the student (the beneficiary), or directly to the institution. If you’re planning on paying for living expenses beyond residence and tuition from the RESP, and you’re not convinced your kid is savvy enough to handle a whack of cash all at once, you can have the money sent to you and then dole it out monthly. Since the money is technically still yours, the student can’t ask for payments from an RESP. Only you, as subscriber, can do this.
You can specify if the withdrawal is to be made from contributions, non-contributions (returns earned and grant money) or both. The payments will come out in two forms:
- PSE, or Post-Secondary Education payments, which are withdrawals from contributions you made to the plan. These are not taxable income and there are no limits on withdrawals. However, if they are taken out as a “refund of contributions,” or ROC, they will trigger a recapture of the CESG grant money, so be careful. (That’s why I couldn’t just take the extra money we needed from the RESP during the first 13 weeks as a refund of contributions: we would have had to give back the associated grant money.)
- EAP, or Educational Assistance Payments, which are withdrawals from the accumulated income in the RESP. A T4A slip will be issued in your kid’s name for any EAPs made during the year. Check with your RESP planholder to see if they automatically default payments to 100% EAP. Many do and this is the preferable option.
If you have a family plan set up, make sure that you don’t end up withdrawing more than the maximum of $7,200 in grant money allowed for each beneficiary. If you attempt to go over the limit, the grants will be returned to the government. Since your planholder keeps track of how much grant money is paid out to each beneficiary, all you have to do is ask for an update and make your withdrawals based on that information.
You should grab as much of the money from the RESP as you can as EAPs in the early days of withdrawals. Why? Well if your kid does end up dropping out of school, the accumulated income payment (the income not used by the student that is still in the plan – or the opposite of an EAP) becomes taxable income for the subscriber. And there is also a 20% penalty that must be paid. So taking out the money via EAPs in the early days is the best option.
As long as your annual EAP requests are under $20K a year, you don’t have to provide any documentation to show your expenses for school are “reasonable.” That’s great. But you do have to plan for the fact that you can’t get more than $5,000 out of the RESP in the first 13 weeks of school. It was a surprise to me. But now you know.
Bonne Chance! Paola
Friday, 1 October 2010
outono ... ?? onde?
Bonne Chance! Paola
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